Photographer Interview

Brick With a Touch of Yellow - Sophia Morris

         Sophia Morris, a photographer, was born on Feb. 14, 2002 in Santa Barbara, CA. Their family moved to the East Coast the day after Christmas in 2008. She loves to travel and has been to 45 states, but not out of the US. Currently Sophia is 17 years old and a senior in high school. She has 8 siblings, 1 sister (her best friend), and 7 brothers. She is an ice skating instructor with her sister Bella and LOVES it. Their family has a business of raising Labs and Labradoodles. She says "I love sunflowers...a lot, Jeeps and coffee are pretty good too."

We asked her some question and her are her answers!

1. How did you get started in photography? I started photography in 2012 and I saved up for over a year to purchase my first camera.

2. Why do you enjoy photography?
I love photography for three main reasons that I can think of. 1- You get a chance to capture the little things. Little things most of us would miss if it wasn't for photographers. 2- Photography makes you look for the beauty in the world. It can also challenge you to make something ugly into a pleasant photo. 3- It's fascinating! There's always something new to learn.

3. What type of things do you like to capture in you photos? Mostly people! Nature is also one of my favorite challenges.

4. What are some of your other hobbies? Well, other than photography I enjoy ice skating, lettering, hiking, interior designing, and horseback riding.

5. What are some tips you can share with our readers? One of the most helpful tips I can give you that really helped me is; place all your settings on your camera on the most accurate settings possible. When you go to edit there will be little to no editing needed. One other tip is don't over edit. If you over edit your photos they will appear unrealistic and it takes away the beauty of the photo.

6. What equipment do you use when photographing? My favorite equipment to use is Canon and Nikon. I currently use:

Camera body- Canon EOS T5 Rebel
Lens 1- Canon Zoom Lens EF-S 18-55mm
Lens 2- Canon Zoom Lens EF-S 55-250mm
Tripod- Bonfoto aluminum B-671A

7. Anything else you would like to say? Don't compare yourself to other photographers! Whether that would be their equipment, photos, or opportunities. It takes the fun out of doing what you love. Once you stop comparing yourself to others you will start enjoying everything you DO have. If you were wondering, yes! I'm talking from experience.

Here is a few of her photos she shared with us, Enjoy!

Stunning Eyes

Sun and Rain


Man's Best Friend

Ruffled Feathers
Along The Fence


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