
Okay! It's time for another blog post! This post is just kinda some of the photos I have been taking with my new Camera and the stories behind them!


As you can see from the last 4 pictures, I have really been getting into insect photography with my new camera. They are just so interesting and a cool challenge to get! To get the blurry backgrounds I took my aperture all the way down and I edited just a bit for lighting/arrangement. 

These next three landscape photos are actually from near the same lake. I love hiking around it, and I always find something amazing! 

Take a good look at this one! I love the element in the middle best, but the 4-wheeler tracks, sun glare, and gorgeous grass all make this an interesting picture.  

My favorite part of photography is finding the little unimportant and unnoticed things. I love capturing their uniqueness and beauty! These little mushrooms were only about an inch high!

Walking around the lake I mentioned above, me and a few of my friends found this little guy curled up in the grass after seeing his mommy in the distance. This finding literally made my week! Isn't he cute? (Yes it is a He, due to the straight line of spots and the place where antlers will grow in on the head.) You never know what you will find in nature when you take the time to look! 

Thanks for reading guys, and like always if you have any suggestions, comments or questions on things you would like to see on here, we would love to know about them! I hope to hear from you!
- Meg


  1. Your pictures are really good! I like the one with the mushroom a lot too! Was the baby deer by itself?

    1. Thanks! We saw what we assume was the mother jumping off a ways a way. But yeah he was alone.

  2. These are all so beautiful!! 😍😍😍


  3. I'm not sure if you do tags, but I just tagged you in my last blog post!

  4. i love the one of the deer! we have a few deer around here


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